My wife and I moved from Santa Barbara, California to Kauai fifteen years ago to raise our twin boys, who were then just taking their first steps. We designed our personal home, which acted as a catalyst to us starting our custom design business, which grew quickly due to our unique resort-like style.
As native Californians, we have felt great sadness over this past year as close friends lost their homes and some even their lives and children’s lives by wildfires, floods, and mudslides in Montecito and Malibu.

With natural disasters burning over 11,000 homes in Northern California and another 175 homes in Thousand Oaks and Malibu, people are scrambling to find help. Fire victims are dealing with their homeowner’s insurance as well as trying to understand what they can and cannot build, not to mention long waiting lists to meet with architects and builders.
And, with weather patterns changing, the strength of the design and being in harmony with nature and the environment is crucial as it’s important to keep people as safe as possible in their homes.
California Design Market

With our structural and civil engineer licensed in six western states, including Hawaii and California, our architectural designs are seismically engineered for strength and follow all code compliance for California.
We’re Offering 10% Discounts on Design Services
to Victims of California Wildfires
Also, we’re aligning with professional permit expediters and builders to help make sure that clients have all of their needs taken care of to make the process is as smooth as possible.